Friday, 18 September 2009

About Me

I am a practicing journalist in the Gambia, trading career with a private daily newspaper, The Point. During the period, I rose through the ranks, becoming the paper’s Sports Editor and Secretary General of the Gambia Sports Journalists Association.

I had painstakingly put my life on the firing line to supply news to a population denied their basic rights and freedoms.

I have been writing since the beginning of year 2000 and I have never looked back thanks to the support of my mentors the late Deyda Hydara and Pap Saine. I am grateful to have passed through the hands of these respectful and knowledgeable people, who played a vital role in my career as a journalist especially the late Deyda, whose untimely death struck me like a thunder bolt. MAY ALLAH THE ALMIGHTY REST YOUR SOUL IN PERFECT PEACE AND SHOWER HIS LOVE, PROTECTION AND GUIDANCE ON US ALL. Amen

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